viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

Special dinner

Hello Everybody!! Today I am going to write about a special food that I have with my family.

We wanted to celebrate the birthday to my grandparents, and my uncle with my mother they planned birthday. Well, my grandparents were born the same day, October 24th, in different years.

My Mother and Uncle wanted to choose a special place to celebrate, and they found a Chinese food in La Florida, and they called to the restaurant and they reserved a table for ten persons. I remember it happened four or five years ago.

In that occasion, my mother decided to invite to my grandmother to our house for passing the day with us. Instead, my uncle invited to my grandfather to pass the day with them. My grandparents didn’t know nothing, in the rest of day it was ok, we shared with my grandmother, and in the afternoon we told her we had to go out and we took home.

My father drove until restaurant and we arrived there, my grandmother asked us why we were parking the car there.

My grandmother got out of the car and she was awesome, when she looked to my grandfather, they didn’t believe that surprise.

Well, I don’t remember exactly, but I know we ate Mongolian meat, Cantonese chicken, among others Chinese foods. Sincerely, it was a big dinner and we shared and we laughed a lot.

In that dinner, we ate out my grandparents, parents, sister, aunt, uncle and me, we were 8 people.


PD: Sorry, I don't have a photografh of that dinner

2 comentarios:

  1. hi!!How great they make a special meal for your grandparents, and how nice that the two of them celebrate years together, that is practically never seen!

  2. What a coincidence the birthdays of your grandparents!
    And the surprise was very nice
