viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

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Hello Everyone!! Today I am going to write about something that I get passionate a lot.

Actually, each person never have a passionate only, and besides, we changes our preferences as time goes by  us, or we live new experience that it transform in our passionate.

I have a topic that it gets to intrigue me enough. That topic is to visit new places, to meet a people and I also travel. I like this because I discovery a lot about diversity landscape, life style, culture, among others.

I don´t mind spending many hours if I go to a new place. When I arrive to this new place, I try to see everything how threes, people, among others.

Other things, that I get passionate a lot, they are to listen sound of violin and to watch documentary film.

With respect to music, when I need to concentrate me, I put videos of violin, viola or piano. I am always searching this in youtube. I sometimes played the violin for not stressing me.

When I have time, I watch documentary film, because I find a form to learn a lot, and it also show me different things that I do not be near me. Topic about Universe I find amazing and unique.


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